Do you take care of yours?
There is growing research to support the use of yoga as a tool to improve and maintain
our mental health.
As our world gets more busy, more demanding, more over stimulating, it's more important
than ever that we take time to care for our mental as well as physical wellbeing.
'Let go of who you think you are supposed to be and be who you are' Brene Brown
'Letting go is the hardest asana'
'Yoga is not about touching your toes. It is about what you learn on the way down.' Jigar Gor.
Happy Being You
We start with this as it is often a root cause to many other mental and emotional afflictions. Call it what you may, self worth, self confidence, self esteem, they are all tricky aspects of ourselves to keep healthy, nurture and take care of.
The positive nature of a yoga practice helps us to do just that. It gives us time to invest in ourselves, to take a break from being 'on' constantly; to connect with our physical, mental and emotional selves.
It teaches us to experience our bodies not judge them, and over time, re-programmes the negative thinking patterns that can lead to low self esteem, confidence and body image issues.
Yoga for Anxiety Relief
All kinds of physical exercise are good for reducing the symptoms of anxiety and stress, but yoga may be one of the best.
Anxiety produces our bodies 'fight or flight' response which in turn makes us feel even more anxious, resulting in a constant cycle of anxious thoughts and a constant emotional state of stress.
Yoga modulates perceived stress and anxiety by slowing down rapid breathing and heart rates, lowering blood pressure, and calming the central nervous system. Breathing techniques are not just for class but can be used as part of your anxiety busting toolkit!
Exercise of all kinds increases “feel good” neurotransmitters but yoga stands out as a proven feel good booster. It puts the brakes on brain activity, enabling you to relax.
Poses for Anxiety - Yoga Journal.
Yoga for Depression
Depression - a condition that afflicts more of us than ever before - the most common mental illness within the western world.
Yoga can be a natural anti-depressant remedy and can boost mental health, with those who enjoy it recording higher levels of healthy amino acid GABA.
Low levels of GABA are associated with feelings of depression and a growing number of studies have shown that a regular Yoga practice can significantly improve these levels, far more than some other forms of exercise such as walking.
This amino acid is vital for a well-functioning brain and central nervous system and helps promote feelings of calm inside the body.
As well as increased levels of GABA, yoga has also been proven to increase the production of serotonin (the feel good neurotransmitter), through the regulation of insulin.
Yoga helps to produce a physiological state of rest through the combination of postures, breathing and meditation which have been shown to produce an immediate, positive change in immune function, energy metabolism and insulin secretion.
Poses for Depression - Yoga Journal